Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to Survive the Holidays: An Interactive Post

Hey babes,
As I mentioned yesterday, there will most likely be no videos while I’m home as I forgot my camera. There may still be some type of vlog posted, but other than that I’ll be taking this time to spend with my family. I feel like this year has been an overwhelmingly loving one among my relatives and I’m trying my best to hold onto that. However, from your tumblr messages and YouTube comments, I’ve realized how fortunate I am to have such a connection.
This brings me to the topic of this post: How to Survive the Holidays with a Difficult Family. I’m going to be posting my few methods that I used to use when uncomfortable, but for the most part I want you all to write in the comments about ways that you deal. Your contributions can then be read by other moosies and maybe it’ll help someone else out. Sharing experiences is so important, you know? Without further ado, here is my (sparse) list of dealing with some crappy circumstances.
·      Find a place to retreat to
o   Whether it is going to your room or taking a walk, allow yourself a break from all of the ignorant comments and judgmental silence we all know so well.
·      Do something for yourself
o   This one goes out to the siblings playing mom for the tiny humans. Be a little selfish! You want that candy bar at the gas station? Buy it. You need to take a nap? Do it. The thing is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting yourself first for the sake of your emotional health and overall sanity.
·      Call out unacceptable behavior
o   Assuming that your grandparents are set in their ways and beyond learning new things is ridiculous. If Grandpa gets racist or if Grandma’s homophobic slurs are becoming too much, tell them that isn’t cool. You don’t need to get into some political argument, just remind them that the holidays are about being together and hating on group of people isn’t worth doing.
·      Choosing your battles
o   This is a finicky one, but if you feel like speaking up about a homophobic comment will open the door to a bunch of questions you aren’t ready to answer, simply don’t react to what they’re saying. Not responding in ANY way will, more often than not, weaken the behavior (think reinforcement).
·      Educate yourself
o   If you do plan to participate in the moral Olympics, might I suggest doing some research on whatever it is you plan on correcting them on J
There’s my list! Please please PLEASE contribute in the comments, because who knows! Someone may be reading your shared stories and realize someone else is going through the same things as them. I can’t wait to hear from you all.

Thanks for being perfect,